Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The horizon was far and the sun was coming up bright and orange and big. The sun can lift your mood like nothing else; the bright orange beauty spot when in rise is the best sight to wake up to. Thus I was standing there looking at it rising, with awe and admiration for the artist who drew it, the sculptor who created it. The kites were circling over the water while the crabs swirled as the waves swallowed them. I watched them hide in their holes while the brave ones peeped out and the other few vanished under the waters. I walked towards the waters, eager for the touch of the rushing waves, the white moving mountains looked magnificent, beautiful. The wet beach sand printed my footsteps, I was happy to leave the imprints of my feet on that earth sand. I was dismayed at first, but then was glad to see my foot prints being washed away by the tide. There was now a possession of mine with the sea. The sea now had a part of this very little me in it, I felt happy, proud to have been born. The sand was soft yet rough and the inner sole of my feet felt full as I walked down. I touched the wet sand with my palm and waited as if something dramatic and extra ordinary was bound to happen, but then I rose up and laughed off my imagination and walked again to greet the mother sea. A partition had formed on the sand, a dark brown part and a lighter brown part, the wet sand and the dry sand. I stood at the partition and waited for the tide to reach me. I was put off as the waves went back before reaching out to me. The voice in my head told me ‘hey fool, do never expect the mother sea to come and touch your feet, go to her, greet her’, I was startled when that voice spoke, for it was loud and clear. I shook my head and walked to mother and then it happened as she embraced me. I walked further in; I wanted to be with the large white water mountains. I was suddenly close enough to that emerging White Mountain, I was terrified with its size, I prepared myself to face it but before I could realize myself I was engulfed by it. I drank in the salt water and coughing and gasping came out of it. I laughed out loud, the experience was touching. I just had a close encounter with the nature, I loved it. As the next wave came over I acquired the skill to float with it and thus I did, this time instead of drowning me the mountain carried me, lifted me and gently placed me down only for the next wave to repeat the same. Thus I did this over and over until I was exhausted. The sun was asking me to retreat, his heat was unbearable. My face was the only part of me that was out of the water and that only part was on fire with his heat. I retreated off the water and kissed the sea for one last time and walked back, crossed the partition and stepped over to the white part. I placed myself under a lone tree and watched the mountains rise and disappear. It was a beautiful sight, like a dream.     

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